Friday 15 November 2013

The Story of a Good Blog Post

Alright its time to write an engaging and compelling blog post...

Starring at a blank document as that little black line flashes at you, “Come on, are you going to write anything?!” How can a white piece of paper cause so much anxiety? I mean there are a million thoughts racing through my head, moving faster then my fingers could possibly type, and yet I can't seem to get that first word on the page. This moment ring a bell to anyone?

Creating content for a blog that is engaging and compelling to your reader is harder then it appears. Whether your just drawing a blank or have too many thoughts running through your head at once to get them down on a page, the first thing you should be thinking is, what is your purpose? What is the moral of your story? Got your happily ever after in your head now? Now tell its story.

Yes it's the same story anyone in marketing has heard before, you have to tell a compelling story in order to engage your reader. Well its more then just that. If I just posted this without any pictures or video content would it stand out to you right away? Probably not. Visuals are one of the key aspects in storytelling that will help engage your reader while adding to your story. An image will catch the readers attention, it can help explain what your saying or add emphasis to a specific point.

Another key aspect to writing an engaging and compelling blog is getting your reader to act. This is ultimately the reason most people write blogs. We want the reader to like, comment or share our blog with others. We want to create a reaction in our reader, get them to think, question and talk about what we have written. Or maybe we have a larger goal of selling something to our reader or directing them somewhere where they are more likely to make a purchase. Whatever it is we want them to do, the point is we want them to do it (and maybe more then once!).

Now that you have a better idea of how to write an engaging and compelling blog, have a look at these blogs. Based on Ann Handley's “Content Rules”, outlined in chapter 11, I've rated these 3 bloggers based on her guidelines and whether their blog posts inspired me to act (share, comment or like their content).

Please feel free to check out these blogs yourself and see what you think!