Thursday, 26 September 2013


Digital Marketing MARK5000

RON, sorry uncle Ron this is actually not about you, but rather Run-Of-Network time ;)

Run-of-network advertising is a form of internet marketing where an online advertising campaign is applied to a wide collection of websites without the ability to choose what specific sites. The advertiser may not be able to choose where their ads appear in this type of campaign but this does allow them to take advantage of extra inventory that might not be in as of high demand, but yet is still reaching an audience that could be beneficial and maybe wouldn't have been reached otherwise. It could be beneficial if your trying to influence a diverse range of consumers. This style of campaign should also result in lower prices, being a low-cost, high-reach strategy. Since this form of campaign is based on non-targeted ads it can be less affective then more targeted ads, but it is an excellent start for first-time online advertisers. Upon the completion of a first-time advertiser's run-of-network, data can be read on the back end to see what sites, or categories of sites, performed best according to whatever metric is being used to determine success. The advertiser can then go back to the networks that performed the best and buy more targeted ads.

Looking at the big picture, run-of-network is not the best form for an advertising campaign, for non-targetd ads are just less affective then targeted ads. But don't dismiss RON too quickly, as it can really help out first-time advertisers discover what works best for their type of advertisements.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any examples of successful RON campaigns? When in a product life cycle would a RON campaign be most useful? What are the pros?
