Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The Social Six

Interactive Digital Media MARK5002

Yes, I'll admit it, social media sites take up way too much of my time on a daily basis. Whether I'm on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram, I like to stay connected. I want to know what my friends are doing, express my random thoughts, hear about the latest trends, watch what happened on the VMAs, get ideas on what to make for dinner or be inspired by beautiful photos. These social sites we use on a daily basis play a key role in creating our own digital identity.

Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are the most common social media sites, while others debate on which site takes the spot for number 6. Whether it be Instagram (personally sitting in my number 6, or should I say number 2 spot based on my activity), FourSquare, Google+, Tumblr, or a blog, social media sites are shaping our online identity. Our digital identity is the way we represent ourselves via text, images, sounds and video to others who access the web. "You are what you post". There are so many ways we use social media sites that contribute to who we are online: Who we follow, who follows us, what we post, what we comment on, how we comment and where, pictures/videos we share or like, what we search, what we buy online and the sites we use...just to name a few. In all that we do online we create our own digital identity.

So think about how you represent yourself, and don't get lost in your digital identity.

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